2024 - 2025 WRITINGS ON 3D VR AND A.I deepfakes and bots

'Syn City' - Living with replicants - by Al Razutis, 2024-2025
PDF 6 mB download page with web illustrations, links -- Chapters #1-3 & Notes / Epilogue
published SEPTEMBER 15, 2024
Ilium Express I.E. by Al Razutis - Publisher Purchase Page
XINEMA + UNIT/PITT // @unitpitt present N Dimensional Space - an experimental film screening
organized to accompany Al Razutis’ exhibition Gravity wins, Entropy rules at Unit / Pitt, Vancouver
Sunday, April 28, 2024, 8PM -- The Garden – UNIT/PITT -- 2954 West 4th Ave. Vancouver, Canada
" N: a point in euclidean space representing infinity in all directions; a dimension that extends beyond the familiar. Through the works of filmmakers Kasper Feyrer, Tamara Henderson, Peter Lipskis, Sam Perry, and Al Razutis, the perceptive qualities of holography and its relationship to the physical world are accentuated through the lens of the n-dimension. Drawing from the Holographic Paradigm Theory, these seven local works portray a world where there is order in chaos and uncertainty is only superficial. Portrayed through the celluloid medium, these films use thematic repetition, crystalline imagery, and structural experimentation to queer our comprehension of the unknown.
Released between the years of 1965-2023, this program showcases a range of voices from Vancouver’s experimental film history, representing a community of filmmakers influenced by the shifting ethos and environments of the Pacific Northwest. Curated by Sidney Gordon."
Photos of event by Felix Rapp
Q & A done 'underground film' style -- all the way to midnight
Recently Exhibited Works!
2024 Holographic Art Exhibition by Al Razutis, Unit/Pitt Gallery, Vancouver
'Gravity wins, Entropy Rules' , March 2, 2024 to May 17th 2024, Unit Pitt Gallery, Vancouver, Canada,
solo holographic art by Al Razutis Visual Alchemy, exhibition curated by Felix Rapp.
N Dimensional Space -- XINEMA @ Unit / Pitt -- April 28, 2024 group film screening including A.R. curated by Sidney Gordon
2024 personal essay for exhibition: 'Gravity wins, Entropy rules'
by Al Razutis, 2024 (PDF).
Links to All Exhibition catalogue essays by Curator Felix Rapp, contributors Catharine MacTavish and Sidney Gordon, for PDF downloads.
Purchase a Exhibition Catalogue of Essays while limited edition copies last.
All exhibited work is for sale
"For the discerning collector,
Museum quality, collectible treasures, glowing three-dimensional images on metal or foil, portraits that move through colors, here was a new genre of holographic portraits, invented then and for the future." (A.R. for SMCA)
2024 Featured holographic works by Sharon McCormack for sale
Sharon McCormack describes making the Michael Jordan holograms
'Michael Jordan ' - Sports Illustrated and 360 deg. motion-pic hologram - 2 min. video You Tube
Sharon McCormack describes making the Prince holograms
'Diamonds and Pearls' - CD hologram - Prince / McCormack - 2 min. video You Tube
Everything from original motion picture films by McCormack and Cross and the holographic multiplex (integral) movies that were the foundation of embossed holographic works distributed world wide are contained within this collection. This is the real story. This is the real place.
Please direct all purchase inquiries for collectibles, as identified on this page and in our inventory, to Al Razutis,
who can be reached by e-mail at alrazutis@ymail.com
Original 35mm film of Micheael Jordan Sports Illustrated cover shot used in multiplex holograms by Sharon McCormack
The originals themselves used in these remarkable creations (videos on FaceBook)
Original 35mm film of Michael Jordan full body shots used in 360 degree multiplex holograms by Sharon McCormack
360 degree Michael Jordan hologram by Sharon McCormack video doc: https://youtu.be/HqjFRcSeRYw
Please direct all purchase inquiries for collectibles, as identified on this page and in our inventory, to Al Razutis,
who can be reached by e-mail at alrazutis@ymail.com
Everything from original motion picture films by McCormack and Cross and the holographic multiplex (integral) movies that were the foundation of embossed holographic works distributed world wide are contained within this collection. This is the real story. This is the real place.
Motion-picture originals for multiplex movies
'Diamonds and Pearls' by Prince cover hologram art by Sharon McCormack 1080P by Al Razutis XAR3D
'Michael Jordan' Sports Illustrated cover and 360 degree portrait by Sharon McCormack 1080P by Al Razutis XAR3D
For all collectibles and holographic art purchases on this web site and domain, please contact Al Razutis at alrazutis@ymail.com to discuss your interests.
embossed hologram collectibles
A Room with Prince 'Diamonds and Pearls' Multiplex motion-picture stereograms and embossed Holograms by Sharon McCormack - Collection & Archives
Hologram 'Masterworks' now available for sale or lease
original motion-picture integral (white light multiplex) holograms
by Lloyd Cross and Sharon McCormack
For Sale on a limited time basis: Integral motion-picture holograms by Lloyd Cross and Sharon McCormack.
"The following motion-picture holograms in their original displays are offered for sale, by private or institutional bids for their purchase, or secured leases.
All bids can be sent to collection and archives administrator Al Razutis, at the e-mail: alrazutis@ymail.com.
Download a pdf information sheet identifying these works to include their original display units: https://www.alchemists.com/visual_alchemy/smca/masterworks-cross-2021.pdf
'Pearls Before Swine' (2023) by Al Razutis & Richard Martin
A 100 second visit by filmmaker / director / historian and curator Richard Martin to Razutis Visual Alchemy where he documents and Razutis re-edits his recordings of the multiplex (integral) 'first holographic movies' by Lloyd Cross, Sharon McCormack and friends.
With comment about the eastern and NY Centric holo scene version of history included in Razutis comments.
Video link You Tube
2023 - 2022 ESSAYS by Al Razutis
Lloyd Cross - Scientist, Inventor, Educator, Artist - 2023 essay by Al Razutis
An overview of some of the contributions of Lloyd Cross to holography, art, science, technology and invention of white-light multiplex motion picture films (integrals) and creation of San Francisco School of Holography. Notably, within this is essay are titles and video links to the first holographic experimental movies created by Lloyd Cross and Simone Forti, both seminal and sometime overlooked figures in the evolution of holography. These works are now relocated to a permanent home and gallery at the The Box LA in Los Angeles, California where they will be preserved in perpetuity.
Holographic Art 'Masterworks' are now available for sale or lease
Original motion-picture integral (white light multiplex) holograms
by Lloyd Cross and Sharon McCormack
Described in the following downloadable PDF:
For Sale on a limited time basis: Integral motion-picture holograms by Lloyd Cross and Sharon McCormack.
All inquiries can be sent to collection and archives administrator Al Razutis, at the e-mail: alrazutis@ymail.com.
These original works are of historical significance and set the standards for integral motion-picture holography. They are also sold or leased with their original white light and motorized (to rotate) display units and clear cylinders for true display according to their creators' intentions.
'The End of Cinema According to Basketball Jones'
'This is Living Film Culture'
'Holo Vanities -- West-Coast Artists in Light'
Index with links - writings by Al Razutis
Experimental films in collaboration with Gary Courtland-Miles (sound)
New Experimental short films on subjects such as 'Burning Man':
"We finish the year with some collaborations between Gary Courtland-Miles, a composer musician and island neighbor, with whom I worked back in 2015, and myself on the various subjects that I've explored, and for release this month and throughout 2022. I'm delighted that we're back at it, two creative forces on the same island, for a while(!)"
BM 2021 by XAR (Al Razutis) -- with music by Gary Courtland-Miles - 18 min.
3D Documentary - Interpetive project drawing on film recorded by Al Razutis and Guillaume Vallée
A documentary & interpretive project on west-coast holographic art, to feature the collections and archives at Visual Alchemy, Saturna Island BC studio has been initiated by Al Razutis and Guillaume Vallée in various audio and video recording sessions in 2021 and 2022.
Some examples from these sessions are represented in a new series of 'Visual Essays' by Al Razutis (editing), including material by Guillaume Vallée, which are posted on YOU TUBE here:

- 'A hologram of Field' -- Al Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #5' -- Fields, particles, holography and Quantum Field theory -- 9 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'Another World ' -- Al Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #4' -- Space, spacetime, and another world of MC Escher -- 7 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'The Wall of Upatnieks' -- Al Razutis with Guillaume Vallée -- 2021 -- 'Visual Essay #3' -- Section 1 & 2 'Our first hologram' narrated by Juris Upatnieks & 'Revisiting the site' sand tables -- 9 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'The temple of impossible' -- Al Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #2' -- multiplex holography galleries of ghosts -- 9 min. silent video on YOU TUBE
- 'Let Brother Al Tell It' -- Al Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #1' -- re-discovery of first multiplex hologram -- 2 min. video on YOU TUBE
>> XAR3D CHANNEL -- Razutis 3D and holography on YT
Web pages - topics and links
2022 - 2019 3D experimental films by Razutis on YouTube:
New releases --- images / descriptions / links:
Holographic Artists in 3D:
1990s 3D Video Art by Al Razutis:
Films and 3D video by Al Razutis on You Tube - separate channels of content
XALRAZUTIS channel - avant garde
XAR3D channel - stereo 3D & holo
'New discoveries of Sharon McCormack bio videos':
Videos / films from the 80's and 90's showing the evolution of multiplex holography by Sharon McCormack
A classic from the 90's:
3 min. excerpt from 'VIRTUAL FLESH' (1996) now in anaglyph 3D on YouTube:
"Imagine 'Virtual Flesh' projected on a huge screen in 3D -- something like 20 ft diagonal -- by two Barco projectors, viewed with passive polarized glasses.... Imagine that! Imagine where? In the Louvre Paris auditorium in 1997 -- I talk about that tour of films, VR, and 3D video in my page 'which floats like a suspended time-capsule among all the 3D detritus and the noise' on the web. Yeah, this wasn't a one-night stand, ever. " -- 1997 Film and 3D Video / VR Tour of France
3D Video Home --- DVD Web Sales --- 1990's 3D Video Art --- Film - Video Archives
In Memoriam: Fred Unterseher (1946-2021)
Fred Unterseher (1946-2021) presents his holographic works
3 min. excerpt on YouTube anaglyph 3D   ----- 2 min. excerpt on YouTube standard 2D:
Fred Unterseher gives two short performance lectures from DVD contents
3 min. excerpt on YouTube standard 2D   ----- 2 min. excerpt on YouTube standard 2D:
Updated history of Vancouver's 'Intermedia' by Al Razutis
'Intermedia & Beyond Intermedia' by Al Razutis.
Essay on Visual Alchemy Holography History by Catharine MacTavish
'What is a Hologram?' by pioneer holographer artist Catharine MacTavish.
'What is a Hologram?' ( html ) by Catharine MacTavish - 2021
A historical, artistic and philosophical treatise on works by Canadian holography pioneer Catharine MacTavish.
Or, download PDF copy of this essay >> 'What is a Hologram?' (11 mB PDF)
2022 - 2020 Essays on Holography, 3D and Visual Alchemy by Al Razutis
'Holo Vanities' -- 'West Coast Artists in Light'
'3D or Not 3D? Dalinian Stereo and Holographic Space'
'Alchemy, visual alchemy and their respective arts'
'Visual Alchemy in Theory and Practice, and as Holographic Art'
'Ten Films or Less that Influenced My Life and Work'
'Razutis Dissects the Holy Mountain by Jodorowsky'
A Selection of Writings by Al Razutis
Published by death of workers whilst building skyscrapers, Lucy Wilkinson publisher / editor, 2020
110 pages printed on recycled paper / 13 cm x 21 cm x 13mm / includes colour plates / section sewn / designed and hand bound at the press.
Collectors edition - First Edition -- Handmade limited & numbered edition of 100.
Available at https://www.deathofworkerswhilstbuildingskyscrapers.com/product-page/yes-you-can-al-razutis
Paperback edition - Second Edition -- now available!
For photos in the book & further media / history resources - videos - visit:
Early Holography by Razutis revisited in 2021:
The Virtual Body - early holograms by Al Razutis revisited - video by 'XAR3D 2021' on YOU TUBE.
Enlarge panel of The Virtual Body frames in separate window
This anaglyph 3D work features excerpts from the 1996 3D video by Al Razutis 'Virtual Imaging', and concerns the topics of 'the holographic body', 'the virtual body', and the 'twin mirror-like images - the virtual and the real' as demonstrated holographically in analgyph stereo 3D.
>> A page of new docs and posts
What makes these holograms 'art?' The fact that they've been exhibited in numerous art exhibitions in recognized museums, galleries,
the fact that they have inspired others or been imitated by newer generation holographic artists who have exhibited also,
or because they've been created personally by a recognized holographic artist and pioneer in display and art of holography?
That should answer the question. Visit these and other pages to see why.
'Four Holographic Art Themes'
Frozen movement, Dreamtime Installation, and Historical Practices -- Precedents in Art
Thumbnail images link to downloadable PDF description pages
Contact the artist by e-mail to discuss exhibiting or purchasing these unique one of a kind works - alrazutis@ymail.com
These holograms are avalable for viewing at Visual Alchemy, Saturna Island, BC, Canada
By appointment only ---
Directions for Getting There
Guillaume Vallée -- 2020 Residency in 3D Film at Visual Alchemy
An October 2020 residency by Quebec experimental filmmaker and video artist Guillaume Vallée resulted in a number of shoots and 3D - 2D video experiments that pushed the boundaries of what is stereo 3D. One remarkable discovery by Guillaume was the creation of 3D video that would look one way and very different when viewed in 3D versus 2D to deliver uniquely different content. As he stated to AR "it was that in-between state that I am after". More information and visuals coming soon.
LEFT panel enlarge view RIGHT panel enlarge view
'Holograms in White Light'
Ongoing Studio exhibition of Holography at Visual Alchemy
Holographic works by Al Razutis, Sharon McCormack and others from our Collection and Archives
Holographic works by Al Razutis and Sharon McCormack from her Sharon McCormack Collection and Archives are on display at Visual Alchemy Studio, Saturna Island, BC Canada by Appointment only. Additionally, selections from the nude pulsed holographic portraits of Ron Olsen (in the collection of AR) are also on view.
This exhibition of 'white-light illumination' holography features holographic stereograms, embossed holograms, pulsed laser originated white-light reflection holograms, and dichromate (DCG) holography and art.
This is the 'largest and most complete exhibition - collection - archives' of Multiplex holography & Sharon McCormack's works currently in existence in (all of) Canada and the US West-Coast. It is available for special exhibition, tours, installation. See McCormack Collection & Archives Terms for more information.
TO VISIT this exhibit by special arrangement contact by email Al Razutis, studio owner and director. Visual Alchemy is located on Saturna Island, BC, Canada and is reached by air (from YVR South - http://www.seairseaplanes.com/) or by BC Ferries (http://www.bcferries.com).
If you want to see a true holographic image, you have to see it in 3D, like depicted in this anaglyph 3D video (use red / blue glasses).
Of course seeing these works in person is to see them 'for real'.