2D & 3D Photos - Holography @ Visual Alchemy
Photos & Works by Al Razutis 1972 - 2016
Quick Links:
3D VIEWING NOTE: 3D Holograms are depicted in web-friendly 2D
and anaglyph (red/cyan) 3D
Download .MPO files when available for full color
stereo viewing using your favorite stereoviewer,
HTML 5 PLAYER for Holographic Art by Razutis in 3D.
Sharon McCormack San Francisco Holography - Holographic Stereogram Collection - Archives
Preserved, Curated & Administered by Al Razutis @ Visual Alchemy
Al Razutis @ Visual Alchemy represents the arts archives of holographer Sharon McCormack as Curator and Trustee and Preservationist for posterity. These archives and works include San Francisco Multiplex and School of Holography works and archives. Selections of this work are available for lease. 'I am honored to have been selected to represent this important history and collection.' (AR).
This Collection and Archive is stored and preserved at Visual Alchemy Studio
Contact Al Razutis at alrazutis@ymail.com to discuss your exhibition interests.
Web Pages on Sharon McCormack Collection & Archives
Sharon McCormack - Multiplex Stereogram Holograms Sample Views in anaglyph 3D
views in time, in anaglyph 3D
of multiplex holographic stereogram - hologram "The Embrace" by Sharon McCormack
- Stereo 3D photos by Al Razutis

views in time, in anaglyph 3D
of multiplex holographic stereogram - hologram "Michael Jordan" by Sharon McCormack
- Stereo 3D photos by Al Razutis
3D VIEWING NOTE: 3D Holograms are depicted in web-friendly 2D
and anaglyph (red/cyan) 3D
Download .MPO files when available for full color
stereo viewing using your favorite stereoviewer.
Collection Installation - 2D Photos of autostereoscopic & holographic 3D Displays
On display @ Visual Alchemy - multiplex motion-picture holographic stereograms and embossed holographic works in various mass mediums.
Commercial and artistic holographic works by Sharon McCormack with
portraiture in holographic stereograms in various formats: multiplex cylinder, framed in exhibition, foil embossed on advertising, sports covers & cards
- photos by Al Razutis 2016
More subjects found on Sharon McCormack's work in stereo 3D DVD presentation
Artists In Light' Vol. 3 and 'West-Coast
Artists In Light' Vol. 4 with links to 3D video clips on YOUTUBE.
Video of multiplex stereogram works by Sharon McCormack including
"The Embrace" on YouTube
3 min. video in 3D or 2D
Sharon McCormack Multiplex Holograms:
To purchase, exhibit or lease works from McCormack Archives
HOME PAGE - Sharon McCormack Collection & Archives
2015 - 2013 Holographic Projector System
Commissioned project by Lanzhou City, University - Lanzhou, China
Razutis - Visual Alchemy studio works: Motion-Picture Projections, exhibitions,
holographic - aerial images in space
Photos of 'Apsara' Holograms & Motion-picture image Projections - 2014 Installation, Lanzhou,
Individual Holographic Motion-picture Frames - View
3D images in anaglyph 3D
- photos by Al Razutis

3D videos from 'VOLUME 4' of 'West Coast Artists in Light':
'APSARA SERIES' - Anaglyph 3D video - 3 min. silent - China 2014 Holographic projection exhibition by Al Razutis
'APSARAS MASTERS' - brief selection of pulsed laser transmission hologram masters - by Al Razutis
ALL 'grain' that appears in 2D or 3D photos of laser illuminated transmission
holograms is an artifact due to 'Laser Speckle' of coherent light
and diffraction imaged in a photographic/lens system. It is the noise
of the viewing system only.
This grain is NOT on the holograms or projections of them but appears
in our eyes or imaging lenses. Future laser speckle reduction photos
will be posted. All anaglyph and MPO 3D files contain laser
speckle, as it is consistently present in holography depicted by photo
optical means. Holography is not photography, but we do our best to
represent it.
1970's Holographic Movies - Multiplex Holography
2013 Studio Works
Visual Alchemy Studio works: Projections of holographic - aerial images
in space, and Al Razutis producing / directing.
All works copyright Al Razutis - Visual Alchemy 2014, 2013, Saturna
Island, Canada
3D images in anaglyph 3D
- photos by Al Razutis

2013 Pulsed Laser Masters - St. Charles
Pulsed Transmission Hologram Masters
(16" x 24") - pictured in stereoscopic 3D views shot in
St. Charles Missouri with Rob Taylor processing & quality control, Allen
Fox tech, Mei-man Lee model, and Al Razutis producing / directing.
to the shoots:

views of 21 total pulsed hologram masters 2013 in anaglyph 3D
- photos by Al Razutis
Stereo 3D photos (panel) of 'Apsaras' in color and B&W anaglyphs > Apsaras
3D photos Panel - ENLARGED
2D photos of 'Apsaras' pulsed masters grouped by theme > 'Apsaras' WEB PAGE - AVAILABLE WORKS
2007 Pulsed Laser Masters - Las Vegas
Pulsed Transmission Hologram Masters pictured in stereoscopic
3D views shot at Laser Reflections,
Las Vegas Nevada with Ron Olsen as lab manager and Heather Carolyn model
and Al Razutis producing / directing.
of pulsed hologram masters 2007 in anaglyph 3D
- Stereo 3D photos by Al Razutis

- master transmission hologram and model
hologram and content by Al Razutis 2007, 2015
The master transmission hologram 'Pose' was mastered by Razutis
at Laser Reflections in Las Vegas, USA, with Ron Olsen
acting as holo camera and processing technician. The exposure was made
using a GEOLA pulsed (green) laser and all scenes were set within the
existing pulsed camera (mirror) environment.
The model in the hologram and picture is Heather Carolyn, a
professional model whose interest in the project was welcome.
Additional H2 transfer tests were undertaken, but a achromat H2
is yet to be realized. Currently, the master hologram is available for
exhibition or purchase by special arrangement with the artist and copyright holder
Al Razutis.

'Dreamtime in the ruins' - 4 views

'Pose' Holograms --
'Escher' Hologram
2012 Hologram Exhibitions - NSA Workshop - California
National Stereoscopic Association 3D-Con Conference -
Holography Exhibit and Workshop by Al Razutis
Gallery exhibit in color anaglyph (red/cyan) stereo 3D
/ Stereographics Exhibition - Workshop
Exhibition and Workshop by Al Razutis at NSA 2012 3D-Com
- more
> July
2012 NSA 3D-Con Conference - description by Razutis
"3-DIY - Guide to Independent Filmmaking"
by Ray Zone, published April 2012 -
> 'Al
Razutis: A Complete 3D Artist'
Razutis presents his works in Stereo 3D Video >
3 min. excerpt on Razutis Holography - YouTube
UPDATES on holographic projects visit us on Facebook at

quotes on holographic projects e-mail: alrazutis@ymail.com
2010 Holography - 3D Exhibition 'Deja Vu'
Art by Al Razutis at 'DejaVu' 3D Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada
"Deja Vu" 2010 Exhibition, Vancouver >> Deja Vu - Home Page>
exhibit works photographed in 3D by Gary Cullen - presented here in color
anaglyph 3D (red/cyan)

holographic works by Al Razutis are available for sale or exhibition >> 'Holographic
Art Sales'
Razutis presents his early holographic works -
3 min. excerpt on Razutis holography on YouTube 3D:
"Deja Vu" Exhibition
photos in 3D - with HTML 5 Stereo 3D Player (Multiple viewing formats)
3D exhibition photographs by Gary Cullen 2010
works by Al Razutis are available for sale >> 'Holographic
Art Sales'
Collections - Display and Portrait Holography - Stereo 3D History
the collections of Gary Cullen and the collection of Al Razutis (Ron Olson, 'nudes')
as exhibited at Deja
Vu 2010 Vancouver
.MPO files only - require 3D viewer.
NOTE: To view .MPO 3D FILES in 3D Right
Click mouse and 'Save Target As' and open in 'Stereoscopic Player'
or similar 3D viewer
These 3D
exhibition photographs (.MPO) by Gary Cullen 2010
Cullen presents his works -
2 min. excerpt on Gary Cullen Holography on YouTube 3D:

more 3D VIDEO documentation by Al Razutis on holographic
art and artists:
YouTube XAR3D Channel
2016 - New Collections Added
2015 (Projections) -
2013 (Studio) -
2013 (Pulsed) - 2012 (NSA) - 2010 (Deja Vu) - 2007 (Pulsed - 2007 LV)
1992-1972 (First decades)
Holographic Art by Al Razutis FOR SALE >> Classic Holograms
/ Art Works
Readings: Stereoscopic 3D/4D and Holographics
contact or quotes on your holographic projects e-mail: alrazutis@ymail.com
and Exhibitions Page
Art by Razutis - Home Page
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