XAl Razutis - brief resume summary

Visual Alchemy

Innovations in 3D and motion-picture arts since 1972

Holographic Art   --   3D Film   --   VR   --   Avant-Garde Film   --   Critical Writings   --   Distribution Info.

VISUAL ALCHEMY was created in 1972 (and expanded onwards), in Vancouver, Canada by Al Razutis to function as a personal and services-for-hire multi-media innovations studio for the production of experimental art work in the various emerging medias of the time: experimental/avant-garde film, video art, and holography.
In the past decades Razutis has expanded his work to include 3D, VR, holographic projection and critical writings.
>   Condensed history


N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge

XINEMA + UNIT/PITT // @unitpitt present N Dimensional Space - an experimental film screening
organized to accompany Al Razutis’ exhibition Gravity wins, Entropy rules at Unit / Pitt, Vancouver

Sunday, April 28, 2024, 8PM -- The Garden – UNIT/PITT -- 2954 West 4th Ave. Vancouver, Canada

" N: a point in euclidean space representing infinity in all directions; a dimension that extends beyond the familiar. Through the works of filmmakers Kasper Feyrer, Tamara Henderson, Peter Lipskis, Sam Perry, and Al Razutis, the perceptive qualities of holography and its relationship to the physical world are accentuated through the lens of the n-dimension. Drawing from the Holographic Paradigm Theory, these seven local works portray a world where there is order in chaos and uncertainty is only superficial. Portrayed through the celluloid medium, these films use thematic repetition, crystalline imagery, and structural experimentation to queer our comprehension of the unknown.

Released between the years of 1965-2023, this program showcases a range of voices from Vancouver’s experimental film history, representing a community of filmmakers influenced by the shifting ethos and environments of the Pacific Northwest. Curated by Sidney Gordon."

Curators Sidney Gordon and Felix Rapp with filmmaker holographer Al Razutis  at Unit / Pitt Vancouver 2024


Photos of event by Felix Rapp

N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge       N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - click to enlarge

Q & A done 'underground film' style -- all the way to midnight

N Dimensional Space film screening April 28, 2024 - XINEMA & Unit / Pitt Vancouver - after screening Q   A with filmmakers - click to enlarge

Recently ‌in Exhibition 2024

2024 Holographic Art Exhibition by Al Razutis @ Unit/Pitt Gallery, Vancouver

'Gravity wins, Entropy Rules' , March 2, 2024 to May 17th 2024, Unit Pitt Gallery, Vancouver, Canada,
solo holographic art by Al Razutis Visual Alchemy, exhibition curated by Felix Rapp.
Outdoor experimental (group) film show 'N Dimensional Space', April 28, 2024 & Unit / Pitt, XINEMA curated by Sidney Gordon.

click to enlarge Gravity wins Entropy Rules exhibition poster     Order a copy of the catalogue book Gravity wins, Entropy rules, edited by Felix Rapp - on sale at Unit / Pitt Vancouver     N-dimensional Space film show curated by Sidney Gordon at Unit / Pitt Vancouver

2024 essay for exhibition: 'Gravity wins, Entropy rules' by Al Razutis, 2024. (PDF)

click for enlarged panel in separate window
'Gravity wins, Entropy rules' - exhibition catalogue ALL essays - LINKS

Razutis & McCormack Holography Posters   ---   'In the Spotlight' Interview'

Holographic Masterworks for sale or lease

Holographic Arts Projects and Exhibitions at  Visual Alchemy continuing since the 1970s     Sharon McCormack Collection and Archives at  Visual Alchemy continuing since the 2016
Visual Alchemy is the west-coast repository of original holographic works by Al Razutis, and the remarkable historical Sharon McCormack Collection & Archives, which includes the archives of Multiplex Company and the San Francisco School of Holography records and works.

These works are Available for Sale or Lease, as well as feature a new category titled Holographic Collectibles. Visit these pages for the full story.

Al Razutis featured November-December 2017 artist at Area of Design web-site/publication


"For the discerning collector,
museum quality, collectible treasures, glowing three-dimensional images on metal or foil, portraits that move through colors, here was a new genre of holographic portraits, invented then and for the future."
(A.R. for SMCA)

Everything from original motion picture films by McCormack and Cross and the holographic multiplex (integral) movies that were the foundation of embossed holographic works distributed world wide are contained within this collection. This is the real story. This is the real place.

holographic multiplex works in McCormack collection and archives - click to enlarge


click to download pdf doc of 2021 offering
      click to download pdf doc of 2021 offering

"The following motion-picture holograms in their original displays are offered for sale, by private or institutional bids for their purchase, or secured leases.
All bids can be sent to collection and archives administrator Al Razutis, at the e-mail: alrazutis@ymail.com. "

Download a pdf information sheet identifying these works to include their original display units: https://www.alchemists.com/visual_alchemy/smca/masterworks-cross-2021.pdf

Hologram Collectibles - Sales


"YES"   "YOU"   "CAN"   --   A Selection of Writings by Al Razutis

Available on-line.   Visit a page on the book and resources - links:

YES YOU CAN by Al Razutis - web page on book and resources   - click to go there
YES YOU CAN media resource page

Published by death of workers whilst building skyscrapers, Lucy Wilkinson publisher / editor, 2020

To order the collectors edition:   https://www.deathofworkerswhilstbuildingskyscrapers.com/product-page/yes-you-can-al-razutis

Plus, a paperback edition is now available: Get a piece of history as an original work of publisher art.

Holographic Art by Al Razutis for sale or lease

These works exhibited internationally are available for sale or lease directly from the artist.

Holographic art by Al Razutis - sale or exhibition

See Holographic art by Al Razutis - productions by Al Razutis with many pages of history of this work as it developed over decades (1972 - present).

Recent 3D & experimental film Releases by Razutis :

Reference pages with images / descriptions / links:
Page of New 3D & 2D video releases by Razutis now on  YOUTUBE
Films and 3D video 'CHANNELS' by Al Razutis on You Tube - extracts and full length shorts
    XALRAZUTIS channel - avant garde         XAR3D channel - stereo 3D & holo
Amerika Visual Essays and short films extracted for You Tube - XALRAZUTIS Channel           Stereoscopic 3D videos as art and docs by Razutis on You Tube - XAR3D Channel

'Before I Forget' --- 2023 web essay by Al Razutis


'The End of Cinema According to Basketball Jones'
click for html page End of Cinema According to Basketball Jones - 2022 by Al Razutis

'This is Living Film Culture'
click for html page This is Living Film Culture - 2022 by Al Razutis

'Holo Vanities -- West-Coast Artists in Light'
click for html page Holo Vanities -- West Coast Artists in LIght

Index with links - writings by Al Razutis
click for index page of links of writings by Al Razutis


3D Documentary - Interpetive project drawing on film recorded by Al Razutis and Guillaume Vallée

A documentary & interpretive project on west-coast holographic art, to feature the collections and archives at Visual Alchemy, Saturna Island BC studio has been initiated by Al Razutis and Guillaume Vallée in various audio and video recording sessions in 2021 and 2022.

Some examples from these sessions are represented in a new series of 'Visual Essays' by Al Razutis (editing), including material by Guillaume Vallée, which are posted on YOU TUBE here:

'A hologram of Field' -- Visual Essay #5 -- click for you tube VIDEO page in separate window.         'Another World' -- Visual Essay #4 -- click for you tube VIDEO page in separate window.         'The Wall of Upatnieks' -- Visual Essay #3 - Section 1  &  2 - click for you tube VIDEO page in separate window.         'The temple of impossible' -- Visual Essay #2 - click for you tube VIDEO page in separate window.         'Let Brother Al Tell it' -- Visual Essay #1 - click for you tube VIDEO page in separate window.

  • 'A hologram of Field' -- Al Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #5' -- Fields, particles, holography and Quantum Field theory -- 9 min. video on YOU TUBE

  • 'Another World ' -- Al Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #4' -- Space, spacetime, and another world of MC Escher -- 7 min. video on YOU TUBE

  • 'The Wall of Upatnieks' -- Al Razutis with Guillaume Vallée -- 2021 -- 'Visual Essay #3' -- Section 1 & 2   'Our first hologram' narrated by Juris Upatnieks & 'Revisiting the site' sand tables -- 9 min. video on YOU TUBE

  • 'The temple of impossible' -- Al Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #2' -- multiplex holography galleries of ghosts -- 9 min. silent video on YOU TUBE

  • 'Let Brother Al Tell It' -- Al Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #1' -- re-discovery of first multiplex hologram -- 2 min. video on YOU TUBE

>>   XAR3D CHANNEL -- Razutis 3D and holography on YT

Earlier In the News

Al Razutis - Visual Alchemy poster on holographics at the studio     Sharon McCormack Collection and Archives at Visual Alchemy     Al Razutis featured artist November - December 2017  at Area of Design web-site/publication

Visit us on Face Book:
Visual Alchemy on Face Book

Holographic Art (complete list) by Al Razutis is for sale or for exhibition in a selected limited number. These works are listed in a page of selected works from recent and past historical periods with many of the works featured in international exhibitions. For photos, information, terms of purchase, lease or rental visit   Art and Display Holographics - Sales - Leases.

Contact Al Razutis directly at alrazutis@ymail.com for a price list or to discuss your exhibition interests.


"YES"   "YOU"   "CAN"

A Selection of Writings by Al Razutis

YES YOU CAN by Al Razutis - book cover   - click for publisher's page
Published by death of workers whilst building skyscrapers, Lucy Wilkinson publisher / editor, 2020
110 pages printed on recycled paper / 13 cm x 21 cm x 13mm / includes colour plates / section sewn / designed and hand bound at the press.


Collectors edition - First Edition -- Handmade limited & numbered edition of 100.

Available at https://www.deathofworkerswhilstbuildingskyscrapers.com/product-page/yes-you-can-al-razutis

Paperback edition - Second Edition -- now available!


For photos in the book & further media / history resources - videos - visit:
YES YOU CAN media resource page

3D experimental film Releases by Razutis on YouTube:

Reference pages with images / descriptions / links:

Page of New 3D & 2D video releases by Razutis now on  YOUTUBE

Holographic Artists in 3D:

Page of New 3D shorts of holograms and stereograms at visual Alchemy

1990s 3D Video Art by Al Razutis:

Page of 3D video art from the 1990's by Al Razutis

Films and 3D video by Al Razutis on You Tube - separate channels of content
    XALRAZUTIS channel - avant garde         XAR3D channel - stereo 3D & holo
Amerika Visual Essays and short films extracted for You Tube - XALRAZUTIS Channel           Stereoscopic 3D videos as art and docs by Razutis on You Tube - XAR3D Channel