I.E. - A NEW NOVEL - SCULPTURAL Prose Poem book by A.R. 2024
Ilium Express I.E. by Al Razutis - Publisher Purchase Page
2024 Holographic Art Exhibition by Al Razutis - Vancouver, Canada
'Gravity wins, Entropy rules' , March 2, 2024 to May 17th, 2024 Unit Pitt Gallery, 2954 West 4th Avenue
Vancouver, Canada,
solo holographic art by Al Razutis Visual Alchemy, exhibition curated by Felix Rapp.
2024 essay for exhibition: 'Gravity wins, Entropy rules'
by Al Razutis, 2024. (PDF)
'Gravity wins, Entropy rules' - exhibition catalogue ALL essays - LINKS
Razutis & McCormack Holography Posters --- 'In the Spotlight' Interview'
Holographic Masterworks for sale or lease
Visual Alchemy is the west-coast repository of original holographic works by Al Razutis, and the remarkable historical Sharon McCormack Collection & Archives, which includes the archives of Multiplex Company and the San Francisco School of Holography records and works.
These works are Available for Sale or Lease, as well as feature a new category titled Holographic Collectibles. Visit these pages for the full story.
"For the discerning collector,
museum quality, collectible treasures, glowing three-dimensional images on metal or foil, portraits that move through colors, here was a new genre of holographic portraits, invented then and for the future." (A.R. for SMCA)
Everything from original motion picture films by McCormack and Cross and the holographic multiplex (integral) movies that were the foundation of embossed holographic works distributed world wide are contained within this collection. This is the real story. This is the real place.

"The following motion-picture holograms in their original displays are offered for sale, by private or institutional bids for their purchase, or secured leases.
All bids can be sent to collection and archives administrator Al Razutis, at the e-mail: alrazutis@ymail.com.
Download a pdf information sheet identifying these works to include their original display units: https://www.alchemists.com/visual_alchemy/smca/masterworks-cross-2021.pdf
"YES" "YOU" "CAN" -- A Selection of Writings by Al Razutis
Available on-line. Visit a page on the book and resources - links:
Published by death of workers whilst building skyscrapers, Lucy Wilkinson publisher / editor, 2020
To order the collectors edition: https://www.deathofworkerswhilstbuildingskyscrapers.com/product-page/yes-you-can-al-razutis
Plus, a paperback edition is now available: Get a piece of history as an original work of publisher art.
Holographic Art by Al Razutis for sale or lease
These works exhibited internationally are available for sale or lease directly from the artist.
See Holographic art by Al Razutis - productions by Al Razutis with many pages of history of this work as it developed over decades (1972 - present).
Recent 3D & experimental film Releases by Razutis :
Reference pages with images / descriptions / links:
Films and 3D video 'CHANNELS' by Al Razutis on You Tube - extracts and full length shorts
XALRAZUTIS channel - avant garde
XAR3D channel - stereo 3D & holo
Razutis Film - Video - Media Archives

This web site is the repository of archives on avant-garde films, videos, and 3D films & VR by Al Razutis and contains all available works for sale or in documentation.
For the last few years the personal film - video - holography - writing archives of Al Razutis have been undergoind 'excavation' and re-publication or further archiving when necessary. This has resulted in a number of works recovered and archived for restoration and storage of original elements and their documentations.
All film elements and completed films are now stored at the Academy Film Archives in Hollywood, USA, as well as the National Archives of Canada, the two countries in which Al Razutis is citizen and resident.
Razutis - Collected Writings on the Web

Collected essays, interviews, publications in various forms, unpublished novels, letters and manifestos by Al Razutis and on the topics of his works. Avant-garde film, holographics, 3D video art, virtual reality, critical media studies, education, exotic fictions, political art, surrealism, prose poetry and critical essays are included in this list of available works on the web and on this web site.