'West-Coast Artists in Light in Stereo 3D' (Vol. 4)
Final Volume - CONCLUDED
Produced, Directed and shot/edited by Al Razutis
Featuring the holographic art of Anait Stephens, Sharon McCormack, Al Razutis and display holography from Sharon McCormack Collection & Archives shot in 3D and HD 2D. This Volume 4 has now CONCLUDED; and with that this series is now 'concluded'.
This last volume presents the continuing works of Al Razutis in the many forms of holography as he continues in his works, preservation, and curating for historical record in a diminishing field of friends and artists. Extensive added documentation on the works of Anait, Sharon McCormack, Lloyd Cross, and others associated with the San Francisco School of Holography and Multiplex Co. is present in this volume as well. This volume videos were shot exclusively by Al Razutis, or where clearly otherwise credited.
This is the final volume in this project which was shot both in standard 2D and in stereoscopic 3D.
The impetus for this final volume was the existence of new and continuing works by Al Razutis, and the arrival in 2016 at Visual Alchemy studio of the entire Sharon McCormack Collection and Archives which is linked to this web site and administered and curated by Al Razutis for posterity. It is this McCormack archive that contains rare embossed, multiplex (white light stereogram or 'integral') holograms by a number of important people, and notably Lloyd Cross, the inventor of multiplex or 'integral' motion-picture holography, and artists like Salvador Dali. These works are documented here in Volume 4 and below.
HISTORY of this project: 'Holo Vanities' - 'West-Coast Artists in Light'.
New releases of Sharon McCormack bio videos:

In Memoriam: Fred Unterseher (1946-2021)
Fred Unterseher (1946-2021) presents his holographic works
3 min. excerpt on YouTube anaglyph 3D   ----- 2 min. excerpt on YouTube standard 2D:
Fred Unterseher gives two short performance lectures from DVD contents
3 min. excerpt on YouTube standard 2D   ----- 2 min. excerpt on YouTube standard 2D:
Early Holography revisited in 2021:

The Virtual Body - early holograms by Al Razutis revisited - video by 'XAR3D 2021' on YOU TUBE.
This anaglyph 3D work features excerpts from the 1996 3D video by Al Razutis 'Virtual Imaging', and concerns the topics of 'the holographic body', 'the virtual body', and the 'twin mirror-like images - the virtual and the real' as demonstrated holographically in analgyph stereo 3D.
Enlarge panel of The Virtual Body frames in separate window
2020 ADDITIONS to Sharon McCormack Collection & Archives:

The Fortune Teller and
The Embrace - multiplex holograms - video by 'XAR3D 2021' on YOU TUBE.
These two works, a 180 degree self-portrait of and by Sharon McCormack as a 'fortune teller with crystal ball' and her famous 'The Embrace' multiplex holograms (also called 'integrals') which placed this 70's art and display form on the map and into commercial success world wide are both 'curator favorites'.
Enlarge panel of The Fortune Teller frames in separate window
Enlarge panel of The Embrace frames in separate window

Portrait of Lloyd Cross and The Kiss 2 - multiplex holograms - video by 'XAR3D 2020'
These two works, a 180 degree self-portrait of and by Lloyd Cross and the famous 'Kiss 2' multiplex hologram by Cross (also called 'integrals') which placed this 70's art and display form on the map and into commercial success world wide, for decades adorning magazine covers (National Geographic, Sports Illustrated) are documented in HD 3D and 2D by XAR3D (Al Razutis) as part of the Sharon McCormack Collection and archives for 'posterity'.
These multiplex holograms were authored by the inventor of the multiplex (integral) motion picture hologram Lloyd Cross and as such are classics. This invention allowed for white-light illumination making it accessible to word-wide audiences and clients.
Enlarge Thumbnail of Cross & Kiss 2 in separate window

Portraits of Sharon McCormack by Lloyd Cross and Sharon McCormack - multiplex holograms - video by 'XAR3D 2020'
These two portraits by Cross are 360 degree 'walk around' cylindrical holograms mounted on their original Multiplex housings which rotated the hologram in a slow speed, all of which is reproduced here on HD video by AR, in 2D and 3D for the Sharon McCormack Collection. The first 'Portrait of Sharon' ('Sharon with boa') was exhibited at Franklin Institute's 1979 "New Spaces - A Holographer's Vision" exhibition of holographic art. The second "Portrait of Sharon" features Sharon McCormack with a (Star Wars) "Princess Leia" hair style, also 360 degree, also attributed to Lloyd Cross (and Sharon McCormack) and because of the character referenced it would also appear to have been made in or around 1979, or at least after 1977 when Star Wars (the movie) was released.
Enlarge Thumbnail of Portraits of Sharon in separate window
Motion-picture 'Multiplex' Holographic Stereogram 'Dali Painting Gala' by Salvador Dali, produced by Selwyn Lissak, 1976
turntable cinematography Hart Perry, holographic printing by Lloyd Cross -- in the Sharon McCormack Collection and Archives, A. Razutis admin & preservation.
Documented and posted on You Tube and Facebook in separate clips -- 2 min. and 1 min. -- narrated by Al Razutis
The pioneering work in holographic art of ANAIT ARUTUNOFF STEPHENS (1922-1998) is part of our video archives and is now uploaded to the internet. Al Razutis has added two videos to her legacy and the West-Coast Artists in Light project in the form of analog (NTSC) videos uploaded to You Tube in original low resolution. They represent rare finds of historical gold.
90 sec. clip of rare multiplex holograms by ANAIT STEPHENS (1974-1975) documented by AR - all viewable on Youtube channel XAR3D
'Multiplex Holograms by Anait' EXCERPT 90 sec. video clip on YouTube
Rare 360 MULTIPLEX HOLOGRAMS by Anait Stephens from her video 'Anait: Dancing with Light Waves' are featured in this clip which was created in 1994 by Anait and Al Razutis in Santa Barbara California. Anait narrates details of her multiplex works done between 1974 and 1975 namely 'Space Graffiti', 'Daughter of Icarus', '3 Objects', and 'Tired LIberty'. All of these holograms ('integrals' or 'holographic stereograms') were made at the San Francisco School of Holography and Multiplex Company under the direction of Lloyd Cross. NOTE: The actual dates of the holograms are 1974-1975, not the dates on the videotape. Corrections wre provided by Lon Moore. These multiplex integral holograms feature 3D virtual images in space and 360 degrees walk-around view.
FULL VERSION 43 minutes narr. by Anait Video by Al Razutis 1994 on YouTube
'Anait - Dancing With Light Waves' FULL VERSION 43 minutes
'Anait - In Memoriam' - pictures and links
3D VIDEO RELEASES - from 'VOLUME 4' of 'West Coast Artists in Light':
'APSARA SERIES' - Anaglyph 3D video - 3 min. silent - China 2014 Holographic projection exhibition by Al Razutis
Background: In 2013 Al Razutis was contracted by Prof. Jian Jiang Wang of Lanzhou City University, Dunhuang Cultural Center, Lanzhou, China to create fully holographic 4D motion-picture "Apsaras" for use in theater productions of his "Tales of the Silk Road". These images and videos are from this project. Proprietary information is excluded in web postings like these. Hologram credits are typically contained in video pages.
'APSARAS MASTERS' - Standard HD video - 2 min. silent - - brief selection of pulsed laser transmission hologram masters - by Al Razutis
'APSARAS PROJECTIONS' with short narration - Anaglyph 3D video - 3 min. with narration - holographic projection and stagecraft - by Al Razutis
More MULTIPLEX holographic stereograms (integrals) - From McCormack Collection:
'THE FORTUNE TELLER' - 180 degree holograms by Sharon McCormack - 2020 Narrated by A. Razutis
'The Fortune Teller' 1 min. video clip on YouTube - in HD
'THE EMBRACE' - 2D & Anaglyph 3D video - 360 degree hologram by Sharon McCormack - 2021 - 3 min.
'The Embrace' -- 2021 -- 3 min. video clip on YouTube - in 2D and 3D
'THE EMBRACE' - Anaglyph 3D video - 360 degree hologram by Sharon McCormack, 2004 video - 30 sec. narrated by McCormack
'The Embrace' 1 min. video clip on YouTube - in 3D
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqjFRcSeRYw (You Tube)
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=702969356525590 (Facebook)
'MICHAEL JORDAN' Stereo 3D Anaglyph photos and 2D video of 360 degree motion-picture multiplex hologram portrait by Sharon McCormack
>> 'Michael Jordan' 1 min. silent video clip on FaceBook - in 2D
'TRIBAL HOLOGRAMS' Stereo 3D Anaglyph photos and 2D/3D video of 180 degree motion-picture multiplex holograms of Native Americans in 1994 by Sharon McCormack.
>> 'Tribal Holograms' 1 min. silent video clip on YouTube - in 2D & 3D
'FORTUNE TELLER' and 'THE ROSE' Stereo 3D Anaglyph 2D/3D video of 180 degree motion-picture multiplex holograms by Sharon McCormack photographed in 2017 in 2D and 3D by Al Razutis. Sharon McCormack appears as the fortune teller in her multiplex hologram; nude model in The Rose is uncredited.
For 3D, view using REVERSED (cyan-red) glasses
>> ''Fortune Teller and The Rose' 1 min. silent video clip on YouTube - in 2D & 3D
For 3D, view using REVERSED (cyan-red) glasses
>> 'Fortune Teller' only in HD 2D on FaceBook, 10 sec. (best to loop it)
'STUDIO VISITOR' Stereo 3D Anaglyph 2D/3D video of studio visitor viewing 180 and 360 degree motion-picture multiplex holograms by Sharon McCormack, photographed in 2017 in 2D and 3D by Al Razutis. For 3D view using REVERSED (cyan-red) glasses
>> 'Studio Visitor' 1 min. sound video clip on YouTube - in 2D & 3D.
For 3D, view using REVERSED (cyan-red) glasses
'EARTH' & 'MICHAEL JORDAN' Stereo 3D Anaglyph 2D video of two 360 degree motion-picture multiplex holograms by Sharon McCormack, photographed in 2017 in 2D and 3D by Al Razutis.
>> 'Earth' & 'Michael Jordan' 90 sec. sound video clip on YouTube - in 2D
>> 'Earth' ONLY, 60 sec. sound video clip on YouTube - in ANAGLYPH 3D
'TIME MAN' 2D video of 360 degree motion-picture multiplex holographic narrative with FX by Sharon McCormack, photographed in 2017 in 2D and 3D by Al Razutis.
>> ''Time Man' 1 min. silent video clip on YouTube - in 2D
SPIE 1986 Paper by McCormack: "Special Effects Techniques for Integral Holograms"
Stereo 3D video and Standard 2D videoclips from 'West-Coast Artists in Light' are viewable on YouTube XAR3D CHANNEL ('West-Coast Artists 3D')