Listed from most recent to oldest by date
AVANT-GARDE FILMS - Essays by Razutis and other authors:
'Looking Through a Two-Way Lens:
A reflection on Vancouver’s lively underground cine-culture, 1960–present' --- 2024 exhibition catalog essay by Sidney Gordon on underground films, Vancouver, works by Al Razutis and others.
'Before I Forget' --- 2023 web essay by Al Razutis on "The Greatest Film Ever Made" by Carter Studios circa 1971 Vancouver.
'End of Cinema According to Basketball Jones' --- 2022 web essay by Al Razutis 1980's film performance art, 1990's outdoor film projection and what happened afterwards in Vancouver Anthology land.
'Living Film Culture' --- 2022 web essay by Al Razutis on Sebastian Di Trolio restoration and exhibition of 'Bridge at Electrical Storm' by Razutis in London, Ontario.
'Four Takes on the Narrative' --- 2022 web essay by Al Razutis on 'Train arriving at the station' and when 3d film entered the museum and encountered Ken Jacobs.
"Yes" "You" "Can" - Media - Web page solely on the book contents, with references & links to YouTube films, media and photos contained within the book -
by Al Razutis, 2020.
- "Yes" "You" "Can" -
A Selection of Writings by Al Razutis, 2020, link to the death of workers whilst building skyscrapers, (Book Publisher's Page)
- 'Ten Films or Less That Influenced My Life and Work' - Compiled essays by Al Razutis, 2020.
- 'OFFON' by Scott Bartlett - Compiled essays by Al Razutis, 2020.
- '98.3:Khz (Bridge at Electrical Storm' and 'Vortex' by Al Razutis - Compiled essays on the making and exhibitions of these 1972-73 films by Al Razutis, 2020.
- 'Watercolour -- Abstract' by Al Razutis - Essay on the two video art cultures of Vancouver, Canada in the 1970's - 1980's, the 'synaesthetic' and the 'conceptual', and how curators affected the outcome with their biased views, 2020.
- 'Razutis Dissects the Holy Mountain by Jodorowsky' - Multi-part essay with illustrations from the film -
Introduction - ACT 1 by Al Razutis, 2020.
'ACT 2 - Alchemical Theater' - 'Alchemy, Astrology, Tarot and Thieves Thereof' -
by Al Razutis, 2020.
'ACT 3 - The Story Unravels' - 'Preparation, Initiation, Temptation, Conclusion' -
by Al Razutis, 2020.
- AAEON - the making and exhibition of
by Al Razutis, 2019 (html page)
- Visual Essays: Origins of Film + Amerika
by Al Razutis, Revisita Laika (Carlos Adriano, ed.), 2016 (PDF)
- The Remix Age
Exhibition as Archive by
Viva Paci, The Moving Image. Journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, vol. 15, n. 2, 2015, p. 72-82. (PDF)
- A Virtual Avant-Garde - A Composite Conversation with Martin Rumsby - February, 2014 - virtual roundtable discussion (PDF)
- A Message from Our Sponsor - Institutions by Artists , by Al Razutis and Jennifer Cane - presentation at PAARC 2012 Conference, October 12, 2012, Vancouver, Canada
- outside link to > streamed video content - (Session One) 'A Message From Our Sponsor'.
- 'Pieces of Conversations With Jean-Luc Godard' - References to 'Visual Essays' by Al Razutis and other films by Razutis - Presentation by Nicole Brenez - 2012 -- PDF file
- 'Al Razutis - Iconoclast' - Anthology of writings edited by Mike Hoolboom / 1989-2009 -- 5.8 MB PDF file
- 'Po-Mo Collage: 'Canada's media art history and false claims' - Al Razutis / 2004, 2010
- 'To and From SeNef2004'
-- Al Razutis / 2004
- 'Avant-Garde: These Films
- This Site' - Al Razutis / 2002-03
Earlier version:
- 'These Films - This Site' (Early Version)
- 'Film Studies 101'
- 'Hegemony of marxist-psychoanalytic film studies' -- Al Razutis /
- 'Lights,
Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology -- David Weddle,
Los Angeles Times, July 13, 2003
- MANIFESTO: 'Imagination vs. MacWorld'
-- Al Razutis 1998
-- with special attention given to 'Kanadian
- 'Notes on the
Retrospective - EMAF 2002' -- Al Razutis / June, 2002
- EMAF Razutis
Retrospective Catalog -- EMAF 2002 Complete TEXTS with PHOTOS
/ April, 2002 -- (746 K .PDF file)
'These Films - This Site'
(Al Razutis Web Page on his films) 2002
- 'No Borders Here'
The Gig by Grant Shilling (Al Razutis biographical interview) 2002 -- ( 300k jpeg image file)
- 'Film to Video
/ Video to Film...' -- Bruce Jenkins (on Razutis' / Bridge at Electrical
-- MAGNETIC NORTH Catalog, Walker Art Center, 2000.
- 'Imagination vs. MacWorld' (html) - by Al Razutis 1998
From 'There's Nothing Cute About X-Manifestos' series.
- '3
Decades of Rage', Al Razutis interviewed by Mike Hoolboom, 1989 -- WEB PAGE with graphics
'Three Decades
of Rage' - Razutis Interview by Hoolboom - TEXT ONLY - PDF file
-- First published in 'Inside the Pleasure Dome - Fringe Film in Canada',
1997, (Coach House Books)
- '
Between Agonism and the Autonomy of Art: The Case of Al Razutis' by
William C. Wees
(Originally published in The Cantrills Filmnotes, 1989) - HTML
- 'Po-Mo Collage: 'Canada's media art history and false claims' - Al Razutis / 2004
- MANIFESTO: 'Let's set the record straight.' -- Manifesto against Toronto Experimental Film Congress - collective writing (with signature list) - 1989
- 'Razutis
- Aside' -- Al Razutis - Response to Experimental Film Congress 1989
-- On the Experimental Film Congress 'historical revisionisms' in Frameworks,
- Jim Shedden's 'official Canadian film reader list' 1989 -- Canadian conservative rear-guard, plus 'Innis Film Society' 1995
- 'Nothing Personal'
- Al Razutis 1989
First published in Independent Eye, 1989, (Mike Hoolboom,
- 'Echoes in the Museum of an Official Canadian Avant-Garde' The Independent Eye, Mike Hoolboom ed., Volume 10, No. 3, Summer 1989 (PDF)
- 'Under the sign of the Beast' Interview of Razutis by Hoolboom, The Independent Eye, Mike Hoolboom ed., Volume 10, No. 3, Summer 1989 (PDF)
- Letter of Resigation from SFU Faculty - Al Razutis, 1987
- Interview between
David Bryant and Al Razutis - SPIRAL, January 1986 -- Acrobat
PDF file (235K)
First published in SPIRAL, January, 1986
- Propositions for
the Deconstruction of Cine-Structuralism: An Eliptical Introduction to the Films of Peter Rose - by Al Razutis, Opsis, 1985
(33K HTML format)
- 'Menage a Trois:
Contemporary Film Theory, New Narrative and the Avant-Garde' - by
Al Razutis, Opsis, 1984 (80K - HTML format)
- 'Recovering
Lost History: Vancouver Avant-Garde Cinema 1960-1969' - Al Razutis
Vancouver Art and Artists, pp. 160-173, Vancouver Art Gallery,
- 'Critical
Perspectives on Vancouver Avant-Garde Cinema 1970-1983' - Al Razutis,
Tony Reif
Vancouver Art and Artists, pp. 286-299, Vancouver Art Gallery,
- 'Expression) and (Transformation In Avant-Garde Cinema' - Al Razutis, 1982
The Martin Walsh Memorial Lecture, Paper presented to the Film Studies Association of Canada, 'Film and the Future' conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. on June 5th, 1982 (.PDF format, 68 mB)
- 'David Rimmer: A Critical
Analysis' - by Al Razutis
Vancouver Art Gallery, 1981
VIDEO ART and Hybrids -- essays by / about Al Razutis
- 'OFFON' - by Scott Bartlett - Compiled essays by Al Razutis, 2019 / 2020.
- 'Watercolour -- Abstract' by Al Razutis - Essay on the two video art cultures of Vancouver, Canada in the 1970's - 1980's, the 'synaesthetic' and the 'conceptual', and how curators affected the outcome with their biased views, 2013 / 2020.
- 'Po-Mo Collage: 'Canada's media art history and false claims' - Al Razutis, 2004
- '98.3 KHz: (Bridge at electrical storm' and 'Vortex' - page
- 'Film to Video
/ Video to Film...' -- Bruce Jenkins (on Razutis' Bridge at Electrical
-- MAGNETIC NORTH Catalog, Walker Art Center, 2000.
- 'Synaesthetic and Expanded Cinema' - Al Razutis,
Gene Youngblood Expanded Cinema, film-video hybrids, bio-feedback performances and video 1970-80's.
- Canada's first videosynthesizer 'Felix' - page
- Videographics and Bio-Feedback Works - by Al Razutis
AMERIKA - a film by Al Razutis
Between Agonism and the Autonomy of Art: The Case of Al Razutis
- by William C. Wees
- 'Critical
Perspectives...', section by Tony Reif
- Amerika....Amerika revue by Bryan Zandberg (The Ubyssey, 2002)
- 'In the Mind of the Artist' (.PDF
file), Michael Walsh on Amerika Premiere, 'Reeling Back', from The Province, October 20 1983
- '3
Decades of Rage', Al Razutis interviewed by Mike Hoolboom, 1989 -- WEB PAGE with graphics
- (LOCAL - text only) '3
Decades of Rage' (.PDF), Al Razutis interviewed by Mike Hoolboom, 1989
'The Society of the Spectacle' (.PDF) --
Guy Debord, 1967, Situationist Manifesto in 9 Chapers, English Translation by Ken Knabb, 2002.
FRAMEWORKS (1990's) List Postings:
FILM MANIFESTOS (2002 - 1980):
- MANIFESTO: 'Imagination vs. MacWorld'
-- Al Razutis 1998
-- with special attention given to 'Kanadian
- MANIFESTO: 'Experimental
Film Congress' - Denunciation of...
-- 1989/signed by 76 film-makers
- RESPONSE: 'Razutis
- Aside' -- Al Razutis - Response to Experimental Film Congress 1989
-- On the Experimental Film Congress 'historical revisionisms' in Frameworks,
- Jim Shedden's 'official Canadian film reader list' 1989 -- Canadian conservative rear-guard, plus 'Innis Film Society' 1995
- 'Nothing Personal'
- Al Razutis 1989
First published in Independent Eye, 1989, (Mike Hoolboom,
- 'On the Problem of the Autonomy of Art, or Splice'
- Al Razutis 1987 (JPEG image)
-- Text of performance with film and ventrilloquist's dummy by Razutis at Pacific Cinematheque 1986, published in SPEED, 1987, (Doug Chomyn, Scott Haynes, Oliver Hockenhull,
'On the Problem of the Autonomy of Art, or Splice' (HTML page) Film description and links to texts
-- by Maria Insell, Michael Snow, Patricia Gruben, David Rimmer, Joyce Wieland, Ross McLaren, Al Razutis, 1986.
- Manifesto:
"Cinema Art", by Al Razutis - dated
/ distributed March 28, 1980
- "Storming the Winter Palace", by Al Razutis - 1978 -- Artaud, theatre, ideology - based on hand outs to Banff Theatre and SFU film students by A.R.
- 'SEEING STARS: Visiting Al Neil in 1974, a gathering of Titans
' by Catharine MacTavish 2023 - PDF -
Pictorial WEB PAGES assembled in 2018 - 2021:
- 'Psychedelic Cinema' - Sam Perry, and AAEON by Al Razutis, notes by Gary Lee-Nova, 1960's 1960's-70's psychedelic films
- 'Underground' - by Al Razutis, various authors, 1960's underground films, creation of Intermedia Film Co-op, screenings, revues.
- 'Intermedia & Beyond Intermedia' - Al Razutis,
various authors, creation of Vancouver Cinematheque, Moving Images, Cineworks organizations, 1970-80's.
- 'Synaesthetic and Expanded Cinema - Al Razutis,
Gene Youngblood Expanded Cinema, film-video hybrids, bio-feedback performances and video 1970-80's.
- 'Holographic Cinema' - Al Razutis,
various authors, creation of early holographic motion-pictures at Multiplex, San Francisco and at Visual Alchemy Vancouver, with links to pictorials and pages.
- 'Po-Mo Collage: 'Canada's media art history and false claims' - Al Razutis / 2004
Individual pages or PUBLISHED ESSAYS
- A Message from Our Sponsor - Institutions by Artists , by Al Razutis and Jennifer Cane - presentation at PAARC 2012 Conference, October 12, 2012, Vancouver, Canada
- link to streamed video content - (Session One) 'A Message From Our Sponsor'.
- 'Recovering
Lost History: Vancouver Avant-Garde Cinema 1960-1969' - Al Razutis
Vancouver Art and Artists, pp. 160-173, Vancouver Art Gallery,
- 'Critical
Perspectives on Vancouver Avant-Garde Cinema 1970-1983' - Al Razutis,
Tony Reif
Vancouver Art and Artists, pp. 286-299, Vancouver Art Gallery,
- 'David Rimmer: A Critical
Analysis' - by Al Razutis
Vancouver Art Gallery, 1981
Pictorial WEB PAGES assembled in 2018:
- 'Underground' - by Al Razutis, various authors, 1960's underground films, creation of Intermedia Film Co-op, screenings, revues.
- 'Intermedia & Beyond Intermedia' - Al Razutis,
various authors, creation of Vancouver Cinematheque, Moving Images, Cineworks organizations, 1970-80's.
Individual web pages and ARTICLES
- 'A couple of notes about the history of Cineworks' - cineworks Blog - by Al Razutis 2012 - 2013 screen capture blog (jpeg)
- 'Po-Mo Collage: 'Canada's media art history and false claims' -
How the Po-Mo Era has become cut and paste meta-history - Al Razutis 2004, rev. 2010.
- 'Cineworks
Beginnings' - 'A Personal Chronology' (1979-2001) by Peg Campbell,
Cineworks 2000, pp. 7-16, Cineworks Independent Filmmakers
Society, 2001
- 'Nothing Personal'
- Al Razutis 1989
First published in Independent Eye, 1989, (Mike Hoolboom,
Essays on Film and Education
'Spiders in the Film Studies Web'
by Al Razutis 2000/2003
Part 1 of 3 On Education in Film Production and Film Theory - Vancouver 1970's to 2000
'Black Widows in the Film Studies Web'
by Al Razutis 2000/2003
Part 2 of 3 On Education in Film Production and Film Theory - Vancouver 1980's
'Dogs in the Yard'
by Al Razutis 2000/2003 -- RETIRED from circulation in 2010
Part 3 of 3 On Education in Film Production and Film Theory - Vancouver 1990's
- 'Film Studies 101'
- 'Hegemony of marxist-psychoanalytic film studies' -- Al Razutis /
- 'Lights,
Camera, Action. Marxism, Semiotics, Narratology' -- David Weddle,
Los Angeles Times, July 13, 2003
Letter of Resignation from Faculty - Professorship at Simon Fraser University Al Razutis, 1987
- Manifesto:
"Cinema Art", by Al Razutis, 1980 - on the occasion of the founding of Canadian media Co-ops by Canada Council, cited in the above and dated
/ distributed March 28, 1980
- 'Po-Mo Collage: 'Canada's media art history and false claims' - Al Razutis / 2004
OPSIS Vol. 1 No. 1 (1984)
The Canadian Journal of Avant-Garde
and Political Cinema
(Editors: Michael Eliot-Hurst, Al Razutis,
Tony Reif)
On 'Film Theory':
On 'Censorship':
OPSIS Vol. 1 No. 2/3 (1985) The Canadian Journal of Avant-Garde
and Political Cinema
(Editors: Michael Eliot-Hurst, Al Razutis, Tony Reif)
On Gay Film and Repression:
On 'Structuralist - Psychoanalytic Film Theory':
'Four Takes on the Narrative' - Web essay 2022 essay by Al Razutis on 'Train arriving at the station' and when 3d film entered the museum and encountered Ken Jacobs.
- '3D or not 3D? Dalinian Stereo and Holographic Space' by Al Razutis - 2021 - analysis of stereoscopic and holographic art works of Salvador Dali, their history, influences and context, including one posthumous holographic work.
- '3D - The Last Dance' - Two Case Studies
by Al Razutis, 2020. Reviews / analysis of '3D: Double Vision' 2018 exhibition at LACMA (Los Angeles), and 2010 'Deja Vu - Exhibition of Holograhic Art and 3D Displays' (Vancouver). Signaling the end of an era.
- 'Al Razutis: Complete 3D Artist' 3-DIY Stereoscopic Movie Making on an Indie Budget Chapter 23 -
by Ray Zone, Focal Press, 2012.
Unedited e-mail interview by Ray Zone of Al Razutis Complete interview - Ray Zone / Al Razutis
--- One sheet: 3-DIY Stereoscopic Movie Making on an Indie Budget -
by Ray Zone, Focal Press, 2012
Email Interview: Ray Zone on Al Razutis - Stereoscopic 3D film art and computer desktop publishing - unedited transcript
- August 9, 2010 -- PDF file downloadable version
- More 3D and '4D' ('can you feel it?') -
by Al Razutis, 2007
- 'When is 3D Video an Art?'
-- Al Razutis 2002
- 'The Caterpillar's Nightmare'
( Adventures with Alice web) -- Al Razutis 2002
- '3D Video Art in France by Al Razutis'
-- 1997
- 'Analog 3D Video Art - catalog by Al Razutis'
-- 1997-2002
Essays by Al Razutis and others on Holographics - History - Art
'Gravity wins, Entropy rules', 2024 Exhibition catalogue / book essays
- Introduction: 'Gravity wins, Entropy rules'
by Felix Rapp, Exhibition Curator, 2024. (PDF) Curator Felix Rapp's essay on exhibition of holographic art by Al Razutis catalogue essay, Unit Pitt Gallery Vancouver Canada 2024.
- 'Gravity wins, Entropy rules'
by Al Razutis, 2024. (PDF) Exhibition catalogue essay by Razutis, edited by curator Felix Rapp. Resume of includes works, ideas, history informing the subjects and the works told in part in first person. Cross referenced to other essays by AR.
- --
'Gravity wins, Entropy rules'
by Al Razutis, 2024. (HTML) Original not-edited exhibition catalogue essay by Razutis, to include extensive photo - essay contents informing the subjects and the works told in part in first person.
- 'What is a Hologram?' by Catharine MacTavish - 2024 - historical, artistic and philosophical treatise on works by Canadian holography pioneer Catharine MacTavish, including at Visual Alchemy 1973-1977. (PDF) -- this essay replaces previous 2021 version of the same name.
'Looking Through a Two-Way Lens:
A reflection on Vancouver’s lively underground cine-culture, 1960–present' --- PDF essay by Sidney Gordon film curator on underground films, Vancouver, works by Al Razutis and others.
- 'Lloyd Cross - Motion-picture Multiplex Holography'
by Al Razutis, 2023. The history and contributions of Lloyd Cross, scientist, inventor, educator, and artist in the fields of motion-picture multiplex holography and stereography. Cross referenced to other essays by AR.
- 'Al Razutis - Holographic Art and Technologies' -
Area of Design -- comprehensive summary -- web page --
3D video -- 3D photos -- interview with AR -- 20th century influences. A look at the history and motives behind Al Razutis holographic art.
- 'Holo Vanities' and 'West-Coast Artists in Light' -
by Al Razutis, 2022. The history and people behind this 2D and 3D documentary project -- critical and behind the scenes revelations. Plus the all-important 'Appendices'.
- '3D or not 3D? Dalinian Stereo and Holographic Space' by Al Razutis - 2021 - analysis of stereoscopic and holographic art works of Salvador Dali, their history, influences and context, including one posthumous holographic work.
- 'How Much For That Holo?' - Case studies
by Al Razutis, 2020 / 2021. Investigative analysis of holographic art pricing, questionable tactics in web advertising and artist statements, and factual evidence concerning sales and MOH liquidation, with an added focus on Dali's holographic works.
- '3D - The Last Dance' - Two Case Studies
by Al Razutis, 2020. Reviews / analysis of '3D: Double Vision' 2018 exhibition at LACMA (Los Angeles), and 2010 'Deja Vu - Exhibition of Holograhic Art and 3D Displays' (Vancouver). Signaling the end of an era.
- 'A hologram of Field' -- Al
Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #5' -- Fields, particles, holography and Quantum Field theory -- 9 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'Another World ' -- Al
Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #4' -- Space, spacetime, and another world of MC Escher -- 7 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'The Wall of Upatnieks' -- Al
Razutis with Guillaume Vallée -- 2021 -- 'Visual Essay #3' -- Section 1 & 2 'Our first hologram' narrated by Juris Upatnieks & 'Revisiting the site' sand tables -- 9 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'The temple of impossible' -- Al
Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #2' -- multiplex holography galleries of ghosts -- 9 min. silent video on YOU TUBE
- 'Let Brother Al Tell It' -- Al
Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #1' -- re-discovery of first multiplex hologram -- 2 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'Art and Holography - Part 3' - html -
Essay on the origins of the concepts of holographic art with a focus on North American artists and exhibitions 1968 to 2012. This is the third and final part of the three-part series, with links to the first two parts provided below. Al Razutis, 2020 / 2021 -- Plus the all-important 'Appendices'.
'Art and Holography -
Part 1' - Summer 1985 - Conference Paper - Al Razutis - html
'Art and Holography -
Part 2' - Fall 1985 - Al Razutis - html
- 'Visual Alchemy - Theory and Practice' - html -
Essay on visual alchemy theory and practice in relation to Psychology and Alchemy by CG Jung, the Alchemical Theater of Artaud, and the holographic works by Razutis at the studio 1970's. First published on Face Book in sections. -- Al
Razutis, 2020
- 'Alchemy, Visual Alchemy and their Arts' - html -
Essay on alchemy, visual alchemy, Psychology and Alchemy by CG Jung, and the holographic works by Razutis at the studio 1970's. First published on Face Book in sections. -- Al
Razutis, 2020
- 'Interview' - Area of Design -
by Al Razutis, 2017 PDF download
- 'Sharon McCormack Collection and Archives' by Al Razutis 2016 - 2021 - ongoing curatorial and historical research plus video clips of classic multiplex holograms by McCormack, Cross, Multiplex and School of Holography.
- 'Plato's Cave and the Marvelous in Waiting' - web essay by Al Razutis 2002, 2010 (rev.)
- 'Holographic Intentions at Visual Alchemy'
(Leaving Plato's Cave with a lot of Baggage) history by Al Razutis (2002-2005)
-- with links to subject essays and on-line image galleries
- 'More 3D and 4D (can you feel it?)' - web essay
by Al Razutis, 2007
- 'Detailed Holographic History
of Visual Alchemy 1972 - 1977' by Al Razutis (2001-2005)
-- with links to subject essays and on line image galleries
- 'Lost in Time and Space'
- Summer 1992 - Al Razutis -- The last big holography show in Canada and its disappearance
- Display Holography: 'Is
it Science, Is it Art?' -- web page / satire (Al Razutis)
- 'Mad Hatter's Tea Time with Alice' ( from Adventures with Alice web ) -- web page / satire (Al Razutis 2002)
- 'The Classic Suite and Other Stories' ( Catalogue 1987 Holographic Art Exhibition ) -- essay by Al Razutis 1987 (large jpeg image)
-- PDF of essay (scalable)
- 'Bride stripped bare: on the problems of interpretation of holographic art' academic paper presented at conference
by Al Razutis (1986)
-- International Society for Optical Engineers (S.P.I.E.), SPIE Vol. 747 Practical Holography, pp 84-89 1987 (publication) (PDF 3.4 mB)
- 'Avant-Garde for Holography
by way of Nemesis' - essay, Wavefront Journal of Holography, Fall 1986 - Al Razutis
- 'Art and Holography -
Part 1' - essay, Wavefront Journal of Holography, Summer 1985 - Conference Paper - Al Razutis
- 'Art and Holography -
Part 2' - essay, Wavefront Journal of Holography, Fall 1985 - Al Razutis
- 'Some Notes on the
Art of Holography' -- essay by Al Razutis
"New Spaces: The Holographer's Vision", pp. 23-26, Franklin
Institute Press, 1979
>> History of Wavefront Magazine (web page)
>> Archive - Wavefront Articles (web page)
Essays by Al Razutis on Holographic Art appearing in WAVEFRONT:
Essays by and about Jerry Pethick (in memoriam):
Essay by Dan Schweitzer (in memoriam):
- 'Syn City' - Living with replicants -
by Al Razutis, 2024-2025 = PDF 6 mB download page with web illustrations, links -- Chapters #1-3 & Notes / Epilogue
- "Yes" "You" "Can" - Multi-part essay with illustrations from the film -
A Selection of Writings by Al Razutis, the death of workers whilst building skyscrapers, 2020. (Link to Publisher's Page)
"Yes" "You" "Can" - Media - A web page solely on the book with references & links to YouTube films, media and photos contained within the book -
by Al Razutis, 2020.
- 'Virtual Reality - Index of Contents -
by Al Razutis, 2015-1997 html page
- 'Personal VR
Aesthetics' (VR Design) -- Al Razutis 2004, updated 2010
- 'UROBOROS - Index of Virtual Worlds -
by Al Razutis, 2002-1997 html page
- 'Place of the First Time' -- Al
Razutis, 2000
- Prose-poem with VRML 2.0 world, 6-DOS The Library project by Nancy Paterson
- 'Uroboros
- The Presumptions of Seeing Everything' (the 'All Seeing Eye') -- Al Razutis 1999
- 'Uroboros
- Design/Concepts' -- Al Razutis 1999
- 'Bodies(c) INCorporated'
-- Essay (with illustrations) by Al Razutis, 1998
- 'Quasimodo's Poem -- Al
Razutis, 1996
- Virtual poem with VRML 2.0 world, from Ilium: Express unpublished novel by Al Razutis
Academic papers cited on this site:
-- HTML PAGE w/index of selected pages from novel in JPEG and .PDF (Acrobat) FILES< -- PUBLISHED 2024/li>
'Quasimodo's Poem' - HTML PAGE with VRML inserts and link to videos -- Chapter 6 - 'Premature Epilogues' - author A. Razutis reads in 2019.
'Quasimodo's Poem' - YOUTUBE video -- author A. Razutis reads page in 2019.
'Dragon Street' - YOUTUBE video -- Chapter 2 -- author A. Razutis reads pages in 2024.
'EXCERPT FROM MS: THE BEAST' -- Al Razutis - 1971-1978 -- HTML page
2024 SECTION #2 var. scenes - 'Ten yeares later ' YOU TUBE 4 min. sound
2024 SECTION #3 from MS - The Beast - 'The mummer's Playhouse' - YOU TUBE 7 min. sound.
2024 SECTION #4 from MS - The Beast - '...lost versions yet' - YOU TUBE 5 min. sound.
- 'Story for Shera'
- Letter to Sheila Urbanowski (Dresden bombing, Marijonas Vilkelis) -- Al
Razutis/August, 1999
- updated March 28, 2004
- 'Aether Vane' - Letter
to Ana MacArthur -- Al Razutis, August, 1998
'DOING_TIME' (Interactive web piece - scrolling texts - framesets - applets - cache intensive - Use I.E., Firefox, Chrome or Safari browsers only) -- Al Razutis, 1998
-- published by DIGITAL EARTH, 1998.
'VISUAL ESSAYS' on Film, video, holography:
- 'A hologram of Field' -- Al
Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #5' -- Fields, particles, holography and Quantum Field theory -- 9 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'Another World ' -- Al
Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #4' -- Space, spacetime, and another world of MC Escher -- 7 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'The Wall of Upatnieks' -- Al
Razutis with Guillaume Vallée -- 2021 -- 'Visual Essay #3' -- Section 1 & 2 'Our first hologram' narrated by Juris Upatnieks & 'Revisiting the site' sand tables -- 9 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'The temple of impossible' -- Al
Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #2' -- multiplex holography galleries of ghosts -- 9 min. silent video on YOU TUBE
- 'Let Brother Al Tell It' -- Al
Razutis - 2021 with Guillaume Vallée -- 'Visual Essay #1' -- re-discovery of first multiplex hologram -- 2 min. video on YOU TUBE
- 'Visual Essays: Origins of Film' -- Al
Razutis - 1973 - 1984 -- 16mm experimental - avant-garde film -- comprised of six (6) visual essays on silent cinema, surrealism, dada, horror, and propaganda films made from found footage from the films themselves.
- "Yes" "You" "Can" - Multi-part essay with illustrations from the film -
A Selection of Writings by Al Razutis, the death of workers whilst building skyscrapers, 2020.
"Yes" "You" "Can" - Media - References & links to Media and photos contained within the book -
by Al Razutis, 2020.
- A Message from Our Sponsor - Institutions by Artists, by Al Razutis and Jennifer Cane - presentation at PAARC 2012 Conference, October 12, 2012, Vancouver, Canada
- Facebook post - picture and text - link to streamed content.
- FILM STUDIES 101 - by Al Razutis 2004 - Comments by refuseniks on feminist psychoanalytic marxist film studies. Links to other essays.
- 'DOING_TIME' (Interactive web piece - scrolling texts - framesets - applets - cache intensive(!)
- Use I.E., Firefox, Chrome or Safari browsers only) -- Al Razutis, 1998
-- published by DIGITAL EARTH, 1998.
- MANIFESTO-POEM: 'Down with the CFCs! (Communists, Fascists, Clerics) -- Al Razutis, April, 2003
- MANIFESTO-POEM: 'Medieval Resurrection...Time to Retire the Cadaverous Curating Left?' -- Al Razutis, May, 2002
- MANIFESTO: 'Imagination vs. MacWorld' -- Al Razutis / August, 1998
- 'Under the sign of the Beast' Interview of Razutis by Hoolboom, The Independent Eye, Mike Hoolboom ed., Volume 10, No. 3, Summer 1989 (PDF)
- Manifesto:
"Cinema Art", by Al Razutis - distributed March 28, 1980
Related topics gleamed from the web
Essays by Al Razutis
- '3D or not 3D? Dalinian Stereo and Holographic Space' by Al Razutis - 2021 - analysis of stereoscopic and holographic art works of Salvador Dali, their history, influences and their context, including one posthumous work.
- 'Visual Alchemy in Theory and Practice, and as Holographic Art' - html -
Essay on visual alchemy theory and practice in relation to Psychology and Alchemy by CG Jung, the Alchemical Theater of Artaud, and the holographic works by Razutis at the studio 1970's. -- Al
Razutis, 2020
- 'Alchemy, Visual Alchemy and their Arts' - html -
Essay on alchemy, visual alchemy, Psychology and Alchemy by CG Jung, and the holographic works by Razutis at the studio 1970's. -- Al
Razutis, 2020
- 'Razutis Dissects the Holy Mountain by Jodorowsky' - Multi-part essay with illustrations from the film -
Introduction - ACT 1 by Al Razutis, 2020.
'ACT 2 - Alchemical Theater' - 'Alchemy, Astrology, Tarot and Thieves Thereof' -
by Al Razutis, 2020.
'ACT 3 - The Story Unravels' - 'Preparation, Initiation, Temptation, Conclusion' -
by Al Razutis, 2020.
- 'A lesson here for impostors and simpletons' - PDF -
- Surreality, FaceBook -- Al
Razutis, 2013
- 'Projecting - Alchemy' - html -
Essay on magic, alchemy, virtual and real projections in media and light -- Al
Razutis, 2011
- 'Projecting - Theory' - html -
'An imagining, a theory always awaits its double' - fractals and alchemy -- Al
Razutis, 2011 (incomplete, in progress)
- 'Metaphysics of Light and Dimension' - Visual Alchemy and Surrealism
Al Razutis 2005, 2010 (rev.)
- 'Plato's Cave and the Marvelous in Waiting' - back to the basics
- by Al Razutis 2002, 2010 (rev.)
Selected off-site works: