Holographic Art and Displays by Al Razutis

Holographic artist (page) and innovator, in the areas of laser and white-light reflection holography, hybrid-sculptural holography, interferometry as art, and stereoscopic 3D video documentation of holographic art and artists.
He is curently continuing works in motion-picture and pulsed laser holography, holographic imaging optical systems, and motion picture applications for theater stage and cinema. Current project information and photos is available at Projects and Exhibitions page.
He is one of the first pioneers of holographic art in Canada, beginning with creations launched in 1972-76, and culminating in the first Canadian solo holographic art exhibition, a traveling exhibition titled 'Visual Alchemy' (historical text - photos 1973-77) - photo history ( photos - links 1973-1987).
This exhibition included holographic hybrids (sculptures - wall graphics), interferograms as art, and holographic installations. Selections from this exhibition continued to be exhibited internationally for the next twenty-five years and set the pace for many holographers in the upcoming years in both Canada and internationally.
He was the publisher and co-editor of Wavefront magazine (1985-86, and 1990/2000) contributing numerous articles and interviews on the subject of holography. He was the installation officer for 'Images in Time and Space' exhibitions in Pasadena and Burbank, California (1990-91).
He also has an extensive background as a teacher in holography, having conducted a number of hands-on production workshops and was invited twice to the Banff Centre (Canada) to teach Theatre Design featuring holographic imaging and projection techniques.
His holographic art is featured in international collections. His most recent exhibition is the group show 'Deja Vu' - Exhibition of Holographic Art and Stereoscopic 3D, October 2010, Vancouver, Canada.
Other exhibitions include SENEF in Seoul, Korea 2004, where he exhibited a installation of stereoscopic 3D DVDs featuring the works of holographic artists in 3D.
He is the recipient of two Senior Arts Grants in Holography from the Canada Council and a number of additional grants for his work in film, video, and holography. He is the recipient of four Shearwater Foundation grants for his work in documenting holographic artists on the U.S. and Canada west-coasts and his recently-released stereoscopic 3D DVD of holographic artists and their works.
His works span over four decades of creation and exhibitions, his latest creations "The Apsara Series" master transmission holograms and "Holographic Projection System" were demonstrated and exhibited in 2014 in Lanzhou, China.
Razutis as featured artist November - December 2017 at Area of Design web-site/publication - Illustrated INTERVIEW:
- "Flying Apsaras in Motion Picture Holographic Projection", Exhibition of Prototype, solo installation, Lanzhou City University, Dun-huang Cultural Center, Lanzhou, China 2014
- "Flying Apsaras", Exhibition of Holographic Art, life-size holographic installation, Lanzhou City University, Dun-huang Cultural Center, Lanzhou, China 2014
- "3D Gallery", Exhibition of Holographic Art, solo installation, National Stereoscopic Association Conference 3D-Con, Costa Mesa, CA. USA 2012
- "Deja Vu", Exhibition of Holographic Art & Stereoscopic 3D, group show, Canada, 2010
- "Images in Time and Space", touring holography exhibition, group show, Canada and USA, 1987-1993
- "The Classic Suite and Other Stories", Simon Fraser University Gallery, solo exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, 1987
- "Totem", Fringe Gallery, solo exhibition, Toronto, Canada, 1986
- "Light: Perception-Projection", Centre International d'Art Contemporain de Montreal, group show, Montreal, Canada, 1985
- "A Fascination of Holography", Maison de la Culture, group show, Montreal, Canada, 1984
- "Light Dimensions", 1985 The Science Museum, group show, London, England, 1984
- "Licht-Blicke", Deutsches Filmmuseum, group show, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 1984
- 'Canadian Holography Now', Canada House, group show, London, England, 1984
- 'Light Dimensions', Royal Photographic Society, group show, Bath, England, 1983
- "Light Years", Museum of Holography, group show, New York, USA, 1981
- "The Holographer's Vision", Franklin Institute, group show, Philadelphia, USA, 1979
- "Visual Alchemy", Burnaby Art Gallery, Solo Retrospective Exhibition (holography) - national touring show (multiple venues), Canada, USA, 1977-78
- "Another Dimension", Ottawa, Canada, 1977
- "Holographic Exposure", Evansville Museum of Art, Indiana, USA, 1977
Complete lists of exhibited works (holograms, installations) by Al Razutis in holography can be found on-line at http://www.alchemists.com/visual_alchemy/Raz-holo.html.
Complete lists of published works by Al Razutis in all medias related to the arts and art history can be found on-line at http://www.alchemists.com/visual_alchemy/razutis-bio.html (Curriculum - Vitae - Bios).