Bio summary - AL RAZUTIS


Al Razutis circa 1985  - photo by Lincoln Clarkes

Al Razutis is a multimedia artist, writer, historian, educator and innovator in motion-picture film and video, holographic arts and technologies, and stereoscopic 3D video art, along with web-digital graphics for websites and interactive 3D virtual reality.

He is a writer of novels, prose-poems, critical, historical essays, 3 books, and historian - preservationist of west-coast holographic art history.

Educated in physics and chemistry, he has brought a combination of technological interests to his multimedia arts which have spanned over 5 decades.

His works in avant-garde films continue to be exhibited internationally. He continues to write on historical - critical - biographical media subjects with new publications and interviews added to previous bodies of work. 'This is far from over' he is fond of saying.

Quick reference:

Complete Artist Bio - works listed in all medias                         3D & Holographic Technical Resume - includes skillsets

His recent projects include the publication of a book of selected writings,   stereoscopic 3D video art released as short videos,   holographic art and displays - now also acting as a preservationist for west-coast holography archives.

A new focus of work is the restoration, curating, preservation and exhibition of the historical works that comprise the Sharon McCormack Collection & Archives of which Al Razutis is the exclusive and designated archivist, preservationist, curator and administrator (Trustee). This collection includes historical works from San Francisco Multiplex Company, San Francisco School of Holography, and independent works by Sharon McCormack and her collaborators 1970's - 1990's.

His multimedia art and avant-garde works are contained and updated at Visual Alchemy on the web (1996-2023) on-line studio and archives site. He is also sharing his historical holographic works for sale/lease Holographic Art Sales - Lease which are also available for exhibition and study.

His films and media works continue to be exhibited internationally.


He has been creating and exhibiting avant-garde and documentary >films and video since the late sixties, and has created holographic displays and art since the early 70's, and web virtual reality and stereoscopic 3D video art since the 90's. During this time he developed custom-made film optical printing, video synthesizer, holographic recording and imaging technologies used in his published and exhibited works. He is a 'hands on' creator and technical innovator who freely acknowledges those 60's - 70's innovators (Moog, Buchla, Whitney, Brakhage, Cross, Benton and others) in the technologies and the arts that influenced his creativities.

He created the first holographic art studio in Canada (Visual Alchemy) and brought holographic art to Canadian audiences for the first time in the late 70's (including an exhibition in Ottawa on Canada Day, organized by Lorraine Monk and opened by then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau). His holographic works have been internationally exhibited ever since.

During the 1980's he was a tenured Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University, and headed a film and video department of production and film studies that steadily produced nationally recognized student achievements. He is a past publisher of two periodicals on film ('Opsis - Journal of Avant-Garde and Political cinema') and holography ('Wavefront'), and has invented / developed a number of film, video, holographic and 3D imaging techniques for art and exhibitions.

His films have received a number of awards, including a 1988 Los Angeles Film Critics Award, and his media art works are found in a number of international collections and have been exhibited internationally, including a 1997 stereoscopic 3D video showing at the Louvre, a 2002 film-video retrospective at the Electronic Media Arts Festival in Osnabruck, Germany, and a 2004 exhibition of 3D video, film, video at SeNef, Seoul, Korea.


He created his first VR worlds with video textures in 1997 in co-production with the Banff Center for Media Arts and he later created a number of VR art works independently. In the mid-90's he created a number of legacy stereoscopic 3D video art works, which were exhibited in solo screenings in Vancouver, Portland, and in 1997 at the Louvre in Paris.

In 2000-01 he was Head of 2D/3D Graphics for the Mission Corporation (Bellevue, WA) in developments of speech-interactive (avatar-based) graphical interfaces for next-generation (post-PC) environments. These environments were speech-interactive virtual reality (3D) settings and achieved demo completion in both 2000 for Mission Corporation and in 2010 for the Winter Olympics Secretariat clients.

He continues in 2025 to create independent works with a focus on stereoscopic 3D film art, avant-garde films in 2D and 3D, and he continues work in critical media theory, history, and the arts of holography. His media projects include 4D holographic motion-picture technology and content for both art and commercial display.

His Visual Alchemy studio and art archives are at:

His domain portal, containing links to all his media projects, is at:

Al Razutis - Holography & 3D Resume

Complete Artist Bio - Works listed in all medias.

Find Al Razutis studio activities - regularly updated - on Face Book at Al Razutis - Visual Alchemy

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