This is a complex multi-media site comprised of MULTIPLE worlds, which feature animations, movie maps, sounds, textures. Your browser cache should have at least 60 meg,capacity and be patient during long downloads (depending on connection). The last elements to be loaded are the audio and video files...
The background star field is provided by two separate STAR WORLDS and a CLOUD world. Various movie-map ('hot' objects, typically transparent) abound, especially in STAIRS WORLD (in distance). When all texture map elements are visible (instead of white boxes), and consistent and spatialized audio is heard, you will know that the site is fully loaded.
Use VIEWPOINT NAVIGATION (control panel lower left), by clicking on successive viewpoints. At each point along the viewpoint chain, you will see/hear different video/audio subjects and possibilities. |
For VRML / X3D viewer / free download, visit: CORTONA 3D VIEWER site.
Recommended Browser: FIREFOX (Chrome no longer supports NPAPI plug-ins)